Kidney Nutrition

Made Simple

Improve your kidney health with the proper nutrition. We give you the answers to the questions you have been looking for!

Overcome your feelings of fear, confusion and anxiety about what to eat to protect you kidneys.

The renal diet is very individualized and must take your labs and kidney function into account.

When you work with one of our registered dietitians, you will be guided on what is safe to eat, what types of foods you need to monitor closely, and how to put it all together.

You will feel confident knowing you are doing everything you can nutritionally to manage your kidney health and help you move forward in your life!

Our Exclusive Program is designed specifically for those struggling with CKD

What you’ll get:

A comprehensive 75 minute Initial Nutrition Assessment to start your journey. You’ll get all the necessary support from your dieititan to help you implement the most important changes in your diet.

Bi-weekly live sessions with your dietitian to guide you through each step.

Weekly check-ins to help you feel most supported. Think of having a dietitian in your “back pocket” at all times.

Learning Modules to enhance your learning. You will have access to our videos, handouts, recipes, and educational resources embracing all the topics related to kidney health.

Meal Planning Platform powered by EatLove.® Access to over 7000 recipes, meal plans and shopping lists to save you time in the kitchen and grocery stores. All personalized to your nutrition prescription.